Senior Computer Vision Engineer

Evolv Technology

Evolv Technology

Software Engineering
United States
Posted on Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Elevator Pitch

Do you enjoy applying practical problem solving to one of society’s greatest challenges? Are you a fast learner who thrives within a small and independent team? Do you like to take risks and fail fast?

As a Senior Computer Vision Engineer, you will be a member of our Algorithms team, reporting directly to our Chief Scientist to accelerate the integration of computer vision into the next generation of weapons screening products, helping to make venues safer from gun violence.

Success in the Role: What are performance outcomes over the first 6-12 months you will work toward completing?

In the first 30 days, you will:

  • Get to know our existing weapons detection systems, datasets, and capabilities
  • Visit customers and talk to the security professionals using these systems every day to keep people safe
  • Start coding!

Within 3 months, you will:

  • Develop an understanding of how our cameras and electromagnetics sensors enhance and complement one another
  • Build good relationships with engineers across many disciplines
  • Lead a live internal demo of a new computer-vision-based analytic or object detector on our system

By the end of the first year, you will:

  • Take many opportunities to share your career experience and new learnings with the rest of the Algorithms team
  • Experiment and take risks, fail quickly, and iterate with real-world feedback
  • Mature our CV pipeline, helping to mold and communicate its future direction

The Work: What type of work will you be doing? What assignments, requirements, or skills will you be performing on a regular basis?


  • Take opportunities to share knowledge with the team and learn from them to build consensus during development
  • Present techniques and tools to the rest of the team and/or engineering as a whole through formal talks


  • Describe your approach well and articulate reasoning behind code and architecture decisions, while being open to input
  • Talk directly to customers to understand their pain points and where value can be created
  • Establish regular meetings with other Evolvers, both within and outside of engineering: there are many opportunities for innovation beyond just computer vision!

Practical Innovation

  • Present proposals/schedules that get us to minimum-viable-products efficiently, while also aligning with our multi-year aspirations
  • Take the fastest route to the highest payoff, with emphasis on results and learning rather than replicating the latest AI publication
  • Be open to good ideas from anywhere, and participate in projects outside of your own expertise
  • Get your hands dirty with hardware, both in the lab and at customer sites


  • Code quickly and collaboratively
  • Take part in code reviews and regularly share progress with other team members
  • Design work around tangible demonstrations to gather feedback and fail fast

What is the leadership like for this role? What is the structure and culture of the team?

  • You will be joining the Algorithms team and report to our Chief Scientist.
  • This team is small, scrappy, and kinetic, driving innovation in both computer vision and electromagnetics sensing
  • The team culture is one based on building trust, collaboration, and rapid development through kindness, authenticity, courage, drive, and fun!

Where is the role located?

  • The location of this role is based at our HQ in Waltham, MA with opportunity to be remote some days.